Alien Wolf

Objetivo: Alien Wolf
Curioseando por una web de descargas de iso[zone] me he encontrado un nuevo ¿juego? basado en el clásico wolftein pero con aliens por la pantalla :)

Yo no me lo he descargado ( imposible jugar ahora con nada ... ) pero seguro que puede ser interesante

Os pego la descripción

VBT's Wolf4SDL Port.
Rings Silliness! ;)

Scenario: After loosing all communication with the station, The Corp has sent you as a one-gun army aboard the station to discover the whereabouts of the crew, and rescue as many as possible. Simply "tagging" a crew member will provide the transfer coordinates for immediate extraction. Remember to tag everyone, even those who are unconscious/dead. Those distant family members will be quick to pursue legal action if you should leave someone simply because they "looked" dead.

You will meet up against three type of aliens: Runners (Fast and Clawed), Predators (Cloaked and Armed), and Officers (Uncloaked and Really Armed). You will start at the air lock of your ship and make your way across the gerbil tube to the stations air lock. Once you have secured each level of the station, make your way to the base of the station (Sublevel 8). There you will find three escape pods to return you to your ship, and almost certain promotion. If you feel The Corp may not adequately compensate you for your mental and physical punishments, be sure to pocket as much Gold Credits as possible along the way. (Gotta have some kind of Real treasure in there.)

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Objetivo: Re: Alien Wolf
Ya que estás, deja el enlace al menos. :lol:

Tiene pinta de estar basado en la adaptación de Wolfenstein 3D para Sega Saturn bajo Wolf4SDL que hizo VBT, como bien pone en la descripción que has puesto.

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