Ayer escribi en un post relacionado con la traduccion de Panzer Dragoon 2 y se hablaba algo del SAGA tambien asi que escribi alli, pero creo que sera mejor crear un  tema nuevo para ello.


La cuestion como explico alli es que he empezado a traducir el PANZER DRAGOON SAGA y me gustaria algo de ayuda si puede ser, ahora mismo estoy liado con averiguar como funcionan los punteros de el juego, porque ya los entiendo pero no los consigo encontrar, o mejor dicho reconocer.
Si alguien  sabe como ayadarme con ello o si hay alguna rutina en el tema de punteros de SEGA SATURN... que me lo diga please y tambien si sabe cual es el archivo de la fuente y como lo puedo modificar. que me gustaria cojer ritmo.

Por cierto, en el otro tema( en el del Panzer Dragoon 2) he colocado  3 screens de como va la traduccion. aunque si quereis los coloco aqui.

 Holy_3051 [ 22 Enero 2008, 08:11 PM ]

Joder, me quito el sombrero al ver esa pantalla..... impresionante

 Tienes mi ayuda para lo que quieras (textos..etc) por agilizar trabajo vamos...

 En cuanto a punteros etc... pues la verdad es que no tengo ni idea... preguntale a Darumo, FrankieDj, Raizing, Ryo..etc.. que son los que más controlan del tema..

 Gracias por el curro!

 saturn_worship [ 23 Enero 2008, 01:14 AM ]
Exluyeme de esa lista compañero, por desgracia no tengo ni puta idea de traducciones en condiciones, o sea con punteros y modificando fuentes y tal, solo chapus restringidas a los caracteres que hay

Y muy buena iniciativa Holy_3051, te ayudaremos en lo que podamos. Por ejemplo puedes colocar los textos por aqui y te ayudamos a traducirlos o algo, hay varios usuarios que se han ofrecido para translate un poco...

Los temas tecnicos en manos de los masters, si no podriamos pedir ayuda por otros lugares de traduccion....

que siga el proyecto !PDS en español, casi na!

 Ryo Suzuki [ 23 Enero 2008, 07:46 PM ]
GRACIAS!!!! No sabeis cuanto me alegra ver interes.

Bueno, he estado mirando y creo que en lo mas facil que se puede colaborar es en traducir los Videos Renderizados del juego que son bastantes. creo que de esta manera se puede evitar tener que jugar al juego para entender el contexto,aunque a mi no me hace muxa falta porque me lo he terminado como 4 veces y lo conozco. creo que hay por ahi un programa que reproduce los videos de saturn por eso digo que no habra que jugarlo.aunque si lo quieres traducir a pelo tambien se puede, creo yo.

Otra cosa. Lo ideal es trabajar con el archivo original, si abris la iso (o el bin) los archivos que contienen el texto son los (PRG y  DAT), anque hay algun texto escondio por ahi.  Creo haber leido que es ilegal pasar archivos de los juegos por internet o algo asi,(o quiza me lo he inventado) por eso he creado un archivo propio con los textos, no hay ni que buscar, abres y sale. se puede traducir desde el bloc de notas de windows, el problema es que ahi no se ven los puntos que indican el principio y fin de los textos, no hay que preocuparse de los saltos de linea, no hay los videos solo tienen 1 linea.

Lo mejor seria que la traduccion ocupara lo mismo o menos que el original, eso supongo que ya se sabe pero bueno.

Mas cosas, si este texto lo copiais al editor hexadecimal (yo uso el Hex Workshop) os apareceran los puntos que indican el fin de dialogo (por cierto es el valor 00, el 2E es el punto tal cual )

Si alguien empieza a traducir me gustaria ver el avance cuando lleva un trozo para ver si me sirve (aunque creo que cualquier cosa ya es mucha ayuda)
Siento si el texto ocupa muxo espacio, pero esq no se como subir el archivo para descargarlo. si me dais alguna idea para evitarlo
Se podria con Megaupload o algo asi?

Yo dejo el texto, si quereis preguntar algo ya sabeis, o aqui o un privado.

Este texto esta a la mitad , ya traduci un cacho, pero aqui empieza una escena

.You... I know you from the site.....You have done well, tracking us down....But it ends here....She will finish you.....She?....It's her!...An Imperial squadron!?..Hey! Don't move!!...There's a spy!..Drag his body inside the ship...We'll see what he knows.....Hey!  Don't pass out on me yet..Are you deaf or stupid?  I told you.we were attacked by Craymen too.....Don't play games with me, worthless hunter!...Craymen must be paying you a lot, eh?...Edge, my boy,'ve got Craymen..all wrong...He's a lunatic with a destroy the world with the...destructive force of the Tower.....The Tower....The legends say that it burned three....continents in one night.....That is a power most safely.controlled by the Empire....Don't you agree, Edge?..So, you want to do this.the hard way....Too bad for you.....A lesser man would have talked......Shall we send him to the flagship?..Wait... look at this....What is it?.It's Craymen....It appears that he has gathered.more information than we thought....Then, he is already at the Tower?...No matter, we can still use 'it'....Craymen will be dealt with..Prepare the report..for his highness....You look surprised to see me here...Well, you'll know why soon enough...It's time...There are rumors that the gearing up to finish this war....I heard they dug up some horror.from the past, I came to check it out...Never thought you'd be here.....Can you stand?..You're tougher than you look....Let's go!...Where... are we going?..We'll get out through the deck..An old friend is waiting there..Hurry!..It's you!...Thanks for activating...the Guardians of Uru!!..It made my job easier...Soon you'll be reunited with....all your dead friends...Imagine a kid like you..hunting Lord Craymen....Now, that's funny!..I'll be laughing....All the way to your grave...It's too high to climb......I've got no dragon......Now what?...Don't shoot!....You'll only alert them..that food is near...Pull the trigger and....they'll swarm you...These creatures are blind...Keep quiet, and they will go away...Lower your weapon...Come out slowly,....then I'll decide whether to.lower the weapon or not.....I would have escaped,...if I was... able to.....I can help you,.if you're willing to the way to the Tower.....The already sealed...I suggest you concentrate...on getting out of here alive....What are you talking about?.The monsters are than anything you've...encountered before..You can't defeat them alone.....My legs are pinned, so..I can't escape on my own....I'll put the gun away,..but when we get out of here,....I want some answers.....We don't have any more time.....More of those creatures are coming..Quick, get me out...There's a power switch underneath...Press it, quickly...Battle equipment... operational.....Synchronize it with your gun....I will control the ship.....You deal with the monsters..If you can control a dragon, can handle this.....Damn, it's gaining on us!...We're safe now,.this will bring us to the surface...Are you sure they won't.follow us?..They never stray too far....from their nests....We're safe now.....I hope you're right..Wanna bite?.I never asked your name.....It's Azel...Strange name....It was inscribed on the bed.where I awoke...Bed?....The place where I...slept for thousands of years.......I am different from you..I may look human like you,..but internally, I am the creatures we've..been fighting...Only my powers are different.......Powers?..Why did you attack me?..You stand in his way....Why do you protect him!?....He is trying to save the world......Return it to its former state...I will not allow anyone who his way to come near him.....You fool!...He's a lying murderer!..To gain control of the Tower,...he killed my Captain and my friends!....Azel, he's lying to you!....Perhaps, but he woke me.from my eternal sleep...That is why I defend him....I was at your excavation site...I was sent by the defend the workers...They were all good people.......But as soon as you were found,..we were betrayed....Without warning, we were our own fleet....And now I'm being the Empire as well.......I'm sorry..........What?....I am sorry..You are supposed to a time like this.....I was taught....Let me ask,.how do you control the dragon?..They are not creatures..easily handled by ordinary men..I'm not really sure.....I think.....It's back!..This is bad... .Just stay out of his way....What?...Or else.....we will... have to kill you.....So, it is you.......I was surprised to hear are the dragon rider that...has caused me so much trouble...That's all you have to say?.If you remember me,.then you must also remember.what you did!!..You murdered everyone!!.Edge, this is war...To save the world from extinction...To obtain the key element, Azel.....I needed to be ruthless.....It was the only option I had....Of course, the Empire has not...given up yet....I came to ask for your help.....Don't shoot!!...Craymen!!...Are you all right!?.Damn, I let him get away....They were from the Empire, right?...I knew they were up to no good..I'll bet he $#!t a brick!...Hey, what's wrong, Edge!?...Oh, no... nothing...Nothing at all......Craymen.....Azel!  No!!!!...Just one chance.....The Empire is here?.What is that thing!?!...Those bastards......Zoah... they're all dead!...Place Azel in that compartment..Step onto the light.....Again, I am in your debt....Watch the screen....Take a good look at death itself....The Flagship Grig Orig..No man should wield.such power......That fleet, that Tower,.it all belongs in the Ancient Age......What about you?..What are you doing here?....Come with me....I have something to show you....Water?..The path to Uru........That is the purpose of these ruins,..or what we call the Tower...It creates a habitable environment..for an already dead planet......To this day, we're the power of the Ancient Age.....I'm sure you've loathe the monsters..They have a purpose.....Essentially, they act as the....caretakers of the ecosystem.....Their actions, all, are to protect..mankind from extinction.....They protect us!?...What are you talking about!?....Even in your short involvement..with the Empire, must have learned...Their actions are nothing endless waste of resources,..war, and death.....Even if the Tower restores, the humans will just.consume and destroy it again....Someone, or something,..must take control of everything.....Or we shall destroy ourselves....forever.....This world was constructed by...the ancient a delicate balance...The Tower, the monsters,....everything is interwoven....Long ago there was dissension...among the ancient ones..After centuries of fighting,.......the warring factions.built this..It's nearly impossible to destroy...the Tower from the outside..But it is possible to break inside,.and take control of it..Especially if the intruder..was one of those monsters......Azel was the weapon..created for that purpose....The Emperor discovered this.and searched for her....But I found her first...Yes, she is the one.....I freed her from her ancient duty...and gave her a new objective....The Empire!?....They are trying to control as much..biological technology as possible...Those fools.....They cannot even handle.normal weapons..They'll never be able to....wield such power....But, there is no one stop them....You... are our only hope....What do you want me to do?..Nothing.....I merely set the stage..You must fulfill your own destiny, your own way.....I.......I haven't forgiven you yet..It's a trap!....Oh, you're in for a real bad day....Craymen, you'll pay for your crimes.....As for the hunter,..there are some rather uncomfortable.experiments in store for you....You can control the dragon,.I want to to obtain such power....I expected no less from you,....Craymen.....And now, you will die...At last.....The world shall be mine.....Open the gate, Azel!....Now I control mankind's future!.What was that.......Azel... the Tower.......Edge....Your destiny....You're here.....This way....I have something to tell you....What about the monsters?....And that Imperial Battle Fleet?.No need to worry....My men are in position..We are always one step..ahead of them...Your men?...The seekers are a highly....structured, but secretive group.....We have led the world to believe....we're a band of tomb raiders....I am the seekers' new leader....Surprised?..No one would suspect a man like me to...lead anything...Deception is our way of life....Here it is..Amazing.....Seekers have researched.the Ancient Age.for nearly two hundred years....It wasn't by luck that we met...We cannot let a man with a dragon...escape our grasp....That is why we've been eye on you...You plan to use me as a weapon?.That is correct.....Our only purpose is to..destroy this Tower..Craymen's Tower.was the cause of everything.....Wait a second...Just who... what are you people?....You told me that....the seekers are an organization,....but what is your purpose?...I want the truth....We will reclaim this world..The... world!?..Yes. And for that purpose,..we must destroy the Tower.......No, all of the ancient ruins....Destroy the Tower!?.But that's.........You heard it from Craymen?...He claims the Tower will....restore this world..If the Tower ran our lives,.there would be no war...But we're not really living.....Just being kept alive...But.....Edge, do you remember the village...we visited, shortly after we met?...Yeah?...We, the seekers are.....the survivors of the villages...attacked by those monsters..Justice may not be with us..But no matter what they call it,....humans struggle to survive..And we're no exception..For us to be truly free.....You need Azel... huh?...But that's not all..To shut down the Tower,.you'll need him.....The dragon!?....The dragons ended the Ancient terminating all of the active....ruins and towers....The 'Divine Visitor' the dragon itself!...I want Azel to lead the dragon..Will she ever wake up?..That, I don't know..But I'm sick of being kept the ghosts of the ancient ones...For man to control his own destiny,.we need Azel....Zadoc the Compiler knows....the fine details....Listen to his story.....He should clear up everything...I have other commitments to address.....Treat this place as your home...Edge, we need you...Please help us..How is she?.Are you all right?..Were you having a nightmare?....Nightmare?..Did you have a bad dream?...I don't understand......I... killed........A dream?.I see... A dream....You're acting like you've...never had a dream before....Yes, it's the first time....I've never experienced it before.......Where is he!?....He's dead...The monsters killed Craymen.....He died as part of his vision, part of the Tower's cycle....Food for the monsters you awakened..Gash!...Don't look at me like that..I'm not punishing her...I just want her to realize..who the real enemy is...They're coming!.Direction 07, 2500 rions.......So many of them..Who's coming?...Monsters... and Grig Orig, both.....All right,..I'm going to the observation deck...I need to be alone... for now.......Stop... wait!......I ...don't even know your name...I'm... Edge.....Thank you...Their crew is being eaten alive.....I guess they couldn't stop them........That ship's deck is..covered with monsters...Everybody's dead....Then....It's out of control.and it's destroying.everything in it's path.....Right now, it's a killing machine...and it's headed this way....Retreat to the second defense line..Hurry! There's no time!!....Edge, can I count on you?...We're no match for that thing!..Isn't that why you kept me here?....Our time here has ended.....We've got to abandon this base,.and rebuild somewhere else......Will you come with us?..What about the Tower... Sestren?....Without any fire power,.what can we do?.All is lost.....I can't go after Sestren....Protecting the people...of this village comes first.....We've lost this time,...but we'll have another chance...20, 30 years....If we're lucky..I'm going back to the Tower.....I know the dragon wants to go too.......If I go to the Tower,...I can lure the monsters away....Gash, you'll have time to escape....When I'm gone.......Don't do it!....Azel is still.......I'm going too...I'll guide you and the Sestren.....I'm not risking my life..because it was my duty..thousands of years ago..What Craymen believed,..and what these men say......I don't know which is true..That is why, Edge.......I want you there with me....When we find the truth about Sestren....Do you remember the valley..where we met for the first time?....Yes.....If you live through this, me there...Please, try to be on time...It begins now...I shall open the gate...Hurry, to the dragon....Azel, what about you!?..I must stay here....There is much to do.....What do you mean?...When you leave for Sestren,.I will destroy this Tower...Sestren will not be able to escape..I won't let you.....Azel, what will happen to you?..I am... the only one....that can destroy the Tower..Honestly,...I don't want to be alone anymore....I love you......I promise... I'll come back for you!....Please!!....Please wait for me!!....Impurity detected.......Pursue at once......Impurity located....Activate Shelcoof.......Too many mutants are born these days....Impurity near, eliminate it.....Impurity reacquired.....Eliminate it once more.........Activation of D Type 01......confirmed.......Now, it shall end.......This voice... the dragon!?..The will of the ancients....It is now with me.......The Divine Visitor must destroy me.....That is why I have returned..Aren't you the Divine Visitor?..I am not....I exist to lead the Divine Visitor,.to break the spell of the Ancient Age,..and to give humans..control of their own destiny....The only one who can free the one from the outside world...'%a0'... You are the Divine Visitor.....Now, Divine One,....The voyage that began,..when I tried to return the world....into the hands of the people....The duty that spanned...thousands of years,.is about to come to an end..Now... press the button,.......the soul who dwells inside Edge,.'%a0'.......For a new beginning........Thank you,...we must go..So, you were guiding me.....Then you must be the Divine.....It's time.......I know..I'm sorry, but......our food and water supplies are.....I know!.Tomorrow morning, we'll leave...Set up camp.....A voyage without a destination......Where are you, Edge?.......You're going west?...I advise you not to.....There may be fewer monsters,....but there are electrical storms.....You'd be committing suicide.....The person you're looking he really worth risking your life?...The two of you were from....the town of Zoah?...You've lived through that war.......Hmmm....There's a village...just beyond this desert.....Why don't you come along?...We can always use the help..

 Holy_3051 [ 23 Enero 2008, 08:45 PM ]
A ver, gracias !!

Pues ante todo decirte que quiero embarcarme en esa cruzada, como en pocas quiero en mi vida!!

sería un honor para mi!!!

pero vamos a ver,,,,, todo ese texto...mira...lo voy a copiar en un word,,, y te lo paso ok???

a ver si mañana o pasado lo tengo...

y sobretodo, a ver si esto se habla seriamente con raizing y con frankie etc, no para que se metan de lleno, sino para que guien un poco para el uso de archivos o como hacer que todo no sea un desastre.. donde eres tio? por cierto... enviame un mensaje privado con tu messenger o algo y trabajamos mejor por ahí..

eh, si alguien quiere agregarme al msn para estar a la última en saturn international research (es coña jajajajaj) enviadme privado y os doy mi msn.

saludos a todos


 saturn_worship [ 23 Enero 2008, 09:02 PM ]
A mi también me gustaría colaborar en este magnífico proyecto, pero antes, unas dudillas:
- ¿La tradución no debe llevar el mismo número de caracteres que el original? ¿o puede ser de largo como tu quieras? Es que a veces no entran algunas palabras.
- ¿Hay que tildear las palabras?

Espero que este nuevo proyecto no se abandone, me gustaría comprender la historia perfectamente.

Un saludo y animo.  

 mangatron [ 23 Enero 2008, 09:24 PM ]
Jeje, yo en el tema del Panzer Dragoon Zwei ya dejé caer algo... yo también me presto voluntario para traducciones. Otra cosa no, pero pasar del inglés al "casteziano" puedo hacerlo con soltura (lo ideal sería pasarlo directamente del japonés porque cuando lo tradujeron al inglés se ve que cambiaron algunas cositas, pero eso es demasiado pedir xD).

Yo ahora mismo estoy de exámenes en la universitae, pero vamos, que si es traducir texto, aunque sea poco a poco, podré sacar tiempo en algún momento (y los exámenes no son eternos, por suerte).

 Migl [ 23 Enero 2008, 09:35 PM ]
Pues no hay que tildear y por ahora los textos no pueden ser mas largos, aunque si mas cortos, lo que no se puede modificar es el temaño del archivo.

He oido a Raizin comentar algo de Hacer una rom desde 0 pero no tengo ni pajolera de a que se refiere.

 si algun dia ALGUIEN (que no sea dios, que seguro que ni el  sabe)  nos  expliica o sabe como modifica la fuente  y utilizar los punteros en saturn, pue lo unico que Habra que hacer es poner la tilde mas tarde, pero por ahora se puede ir haciendo trabajo de traduccion

Yo tambien estoy de examenes, mal asco
Lo del japones me biene grande, y creo que a todos, y si es verdad hay veces que la accion del personaje no acaba de coincidir con la traduccion en ingles

 Holy_3051 [ 23 Enero 2008, 09:43 PM ]
Como os veo muy motivados os coloco mas:
Una cosa importabte. Si alguien se decide a traducir algun texto que lo confirme en el post para no hacer trabajo en valde.
Del primero que ya coloque arriba ya se encarga "saturn_worship"


Caravan.(Wood crackles in the flames.).(You feel the warmth of the fire.).Quit Game.Wait Until Nightfall.Continue.Quit Game.Wait Until Morning.Continue.Leave the Caravan.Wait Until Nightfall.Stay.Leave the Caravan.Wait Until Morning.Stay.Leave the Caravan.Stay.Enter.Stay Outside.(Looks like I can't get inside.).Enter.Stay out.(Looks like I can't get inside.).Enter.Stay Out.(These carts are pulled by Coolias.).(This cart's axles are worn.).(Coolias pull these carts.).(The name ENKAK is carved here.).(Coolias pull these carts.).(This cart was clawed by a monster.).(This box needs to be repaired.).(Extra bedding for the long journey.).(That box has a fang imbedded in it.).(Provisions are stored here.).(A monster's hide covers this box.).(Worn but reliable tools are here.).(A pleasant aroma wafts your way.).(Spices for cooking are stored here.).(This box is extremely dirty.).(Hunting supplies are stored here.).(Some food for the Coolia.).(Looks like Junio Seeds....Not a good food for the Coolia...).(It's a durable wooden box.).(This box is locked.).(There's writing on this box.).(It is too faded to read.).(Wooden boxes.).(A pungent odor burns your nostrils.).(It's a sturdy wooden box.).(This box is locked.).(Someone's stuff is piled here.).(These items are plain, but durable.).Go Out.Stay.(A portable furnace.).(It smells like something is burning.).(A few water bags.).(Water bags are used in long hunts..They're made from Hopper intestines.).(Two old, but well kept guns.).(Inscription:  From Mr. Woo.).(A very old box...).(Recently used as a chopping block.).(A tool box.).(Tools to scrape monsters' insides..Well, most monsters have shells.).Go Out.Stay.(It's an ancient machine.).(An ancient machine....Looks like someone's working on it.).(The arms of a monster.).(They've been hollowed out.).(Intestines from a Hopper.).(Intestines stored in an antiseptic..These could be useful.).(A pile of junk.).(Ancient finds, hand-crafted tools....There may be something useful here.).(An ancient machine...).(An ancient machine is hanging..Looks like someone worked on it.).Go Out.Stay.(There is some sturdy canvas...).(Tents are stored in here.).(Looks as good as new.).(Extra bedding is stored here.).(You can see some silk.).(Fei's personal belongings.).(A pole for the tent.).(This was made from monster shells.).(It's a water jar.).(A container for drinking water.).(The catch of the hunt...).(The carcass of the monster..There's a shiny rock inside.).T_AY_007.PCM.It's an illumination rock..They're inside these monsters..Around here, they're used as currency..(Never seen this monster before.).(Do they live around here?).(It looks like Paet's airship.).(It is Paet's airship!.Looks like it crashed.What a mess.)


My name is An'jou..Feel free to stop by any time..As long as you don't cause any.trouble, we'll leave you alone..T_AY_002.PCM.We left our dying homeland..Actually, we were forced.out by those monsters..We have traveled in search of.a new place to call home, and....we're all that's left now..T_AY_003.PCM.We really don't know.too much about Gash either..He's an odd one..I guess all seekers are like that..T_AY_004.PCM.Making deals with travelers is.important to us..We can't live by hunting alone..(It's the leader of this caravan.).(He's An'jou, leader of this caravan.).T_AY_304.PCM.I heard rumors that a fighting against.the Imperial forces..Our prayers have been answered..T_EG_339.PCM.Is that what you think?.T_AY_305.PCM.Not too religious are you?.Here, take this, and study..(It's the leader of this caravan.He looks busy,.gutting the monster...).(He's An'jou, leader of this caravan..He looks busy,.gutting the monster...).T_AY_011.PCM.Baicah told me what you did..I owe you my son's life..Here, take this..This is the most valuable item.we have in this caravan..(He looks gloomy...).T_AY_011.PCM.Baicah told me what happened..I owe you my son's life..Here, take this..This is the most valuable item.we have in this caravan..(It's the leader of this caravan.).(He's An'jou, leader of this caravan.).T_AY_005.PCM.It was a good hunt....We should be okay for a while..T_AY_006.PCM.We've given the scraps to Baicah..Go to his tent. He may have.made something out of them..T_AY_303.PCM.I never thought we'd catch.something like this..Thank the dragon for this one..T_AY_301.PCM.I don't mean to baby my son....I want him to have a peaceful life..T_AY_302.PCM.Travel alone, as much as you wish,.while you are young..But one day, you'll want.a family of your own,.to carry on your family name..T_AY_012.PCM.I wasn't able to get.the antidote..My son is alive, thanks to you..T_AY_013.PCM.My son has died....It was the Meccania fever..T_AY_014.PCM.Do you know what that debris is?.It's what's left of Zoah..It was destroyed by the Empire!.T_AY_015.PCM.We've lost all hope..At least, my son has survived..T_AY_016.PCM.My son is dead..Our hope of settling down in also gone..We can't survive for much longer....T_AY_017.PCM.Our destination was destroyed..But we must continue to travel.until we find a place to settle..T_AY_019.PCM.My duty is to keep everyone safe..I can't grieve over his death forever..T_AY_018.PCM.The forest is beautiful,.but we need to find a village.where we can settle down..T_AY_020.PCM.I found that vehicle that crashed.near here..There was a boy flying it....but when we found him,.it was too late..I don't know who he was, but.he was very reckless..T_AY_008.PCM.You've heard Raul's story, right?.T_EG_023.PCM....Yeah..T_AY_009.PCM.Do me a favor, and don't tell.anyone else about him, will you?.We don't want the word to get out..T_EG_024.PCM.That's no problem, but....why did you hire him?.T_AY_010.PCM.I didn't hire him because I wanted to..After all, he was once involved.with the Empire..But as you can see we're.a poor family and we can't.afford everything we want

 Holy_3051 [ 23 Enero 2008, 09:52 PM ]
A ver colegas, en mi humilde opinion creo que antes de liaros a lo que es TRADUCIR, traducir habria que hacer unos pasos previos para estudiar el proyecto.

Yo creo que lo MAS IMPORTANTE es descubrir como va el tema de los punteros para este juego, para poder una traduccion buena y no estar limitado por el tamaño del texto original. Hay que ver que se puede hacer, a ver si Raizing -otra vez, je je- o Frankie, o quien sea que haya hecho algo de romhacking a juegos en CD es capaz de estudiar y encontrar la forma de hacerlo con el Panzer Dragoon Saga.

Si no tambien podemos intentar contactar por ejemplo con SoyWiz de Tales Translations o alguien de otro grupo que domine el tema de punteros y hackear la fuente del juego para poder abordar una traduccion como el juego se merece. Aunque lo ideal yo creo que -siempre que puedan- contar con Raizing y/o Frankie que son "de la casa" y estan embarcados en otras tradus serias de igual o mayor dificultad.

El tema legal, en teoria es ilegal distribuir por aqui archivos del juego en si, adjuntarlos y tal. Habria que hacerlo por e-mail o algo, se supone que la gente que lo va a traducir tiene el juego original y es un parche a modo copia de seguridad para "mejorar" el juego. No creo que hubiese problema de linkarlo a algun sitio externo y ponerlo por aqui, podriamos hacer la excepcion, al fin de al cabo no creo que nos persigan legalmente por traducir una obra maestra asi ¿no?

¿que os parece este rollo que he soltao?

P.D: No seria mejor empezar a traducir por ejemplo el Panzer Dragoon II? es menos ambicioso, seria un primer paso para luego liarnos con PDS, no se, mejor morder primero algo mas pequeño...

 Ryo Suzuki [ 23 Enero 2008, 10:58 PM ]
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