Nuevo RPG de SEGA, Alpha Protocol

Nuevo RPG de SEGA, Alpha Protocol
Mensaje Nuevo RPG de SEGA, Alpha Protocol 
Bueno, lo que empieza a ser ya una costumbre, lo publica SEGA pero lo hace Obsidian Entertainment (KOTOR 2 y NeverWinter Nights 2). Anunciado este juego de rol en tercera persona en esta ocasión en la epoca actual y sobre espionaje y esas fantasmadas que tanto nos gustan.

Con marcado corte cinematografico, Alpha Protocol nos pondrá en la piel de Michael Thorton un espía novatillo al que tendremos que curtir a base de misiones y viajes varios por all the world. Olvidaos de turnos porque seran en tiempo real los combates.

Pa primavera del año que viene, os pongo la nota de prensa:

    Alpha Protocol

    (1 player action/RPG)

    Developer: Obsidian Entertainment
    Platform: PS3/360/PC
    Publisher: Sega
    Release: Spring 2009

    “A modern day espionage focused action/RPG that takes you on a suspenseful ride in the vein of James Bond, Jack Bauer, and Jason Bourne. Take a wet-behind-the-ears greenhorn agent up through the ranks to become a bona-fide super spy.”

    -Main character is Michael Thorton, a fully trained but inexperienced young operative who has the world turned upside down when a mission goes wrong.

    -Title “Alpha Protocol” is a phrase that is used when operatives go underground to work off the grid. Usually reserved for senior agents.

    -Battle system is similar to Mass Effect but have more in common with Uncharted. It revolves around real time combat with an emphasis on gun play and high tech gadgets.

    -Third person perspective, action orientated gameplay

    -Close quarters combat can be a last resort or primary method of fighting depending on how you spend skill points you have earned.

    -Skill system is based most closely on Fallout. It’s classless, you have 10 skills and 10 ranks in each skill. Skills don’t simply improve things like accuracy, they improve the way your character will perceive situations.

    -The game will suit all play styles from the run and gunner to the stealth assassin.

    -Extremely in depth dialog system that is a mix of Mass Effect and Indigo Prophecy. Once conversations happen, that’s it, no revisiting the NPC to try to talk again and again. System is named the Dialog Stance System. You dictate your characters tone in a conversation by pressing a corresponding face button. Options can be cool and suave others can be brash/impatient.

    -You can have multiple active missions in different countries and travel freely between them.

    -Lots of girls and romance subplots. You’ll meet tons of different girls on missions and yes you can bag them all.

    -Current control scheme for selecting powers and weapons is similar to Bioshock.

Se me olvidaba, es pa PC, X360 y PS3.

Fuente: Unos cachondos

 Ryo Suzuki [ 14 Marzo 2008, 12:23 PM ]

Nuevo RPG de SEGA, Alpha Protocol
Mensaje Re: Nuevo RPG De SEGA, Alpha Protocol 
¿Soy yo, o se parece mucho al CASO BOURNE?,.....curioso por que ahora sacarán su videojuego. Aqui siendo un RPG imagino que habrán ideado un argumento consistente. Action RPG.... veremos como lo mezclan.... ;-)

 Denymetanol [ 14 Marzo 2008, 02:39 PM ]
Mensaje Re: Nuevo RPG de SEGA, Alpha Protocol 
Pues yo pense lo mismo la verdad al verlo, bebe un poco de todas las fuentes, pero a mi es lo primero que me vino a la cabeza.

Veremos como va la cosa, hay que darle un voto de confianza... ¿o no? :twisted:

 Ryo Suzuki [ 14 Marzo 2008, 11:16 PM ]
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