Liberado Prototipo Eco II »  Mostrar los mensajes de    a     

SEGASaturno - Saturn, SEGA y Videojuegos

Unreleased Games - Liberado Prototipo Eco II

saturn1995 [ 18 Junio 2016, 01:23 PM ]
Título del mensajeLiberado Prototipo Eco II
The Dreamcast’s long life after its commercial demise has been amazing. Since 2001, the console has seen dozens of new fan games made for it, and some interesting prototypes have been unearthed along the way. Toejam and Earl III’s Dreamcast version was released a couple of years ago, and the in-development sequel to Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future has been found as well. Hidden Palace has released the game as a CDI download, enabling it to be burned to a self-booting disc and played on the original Dreamcast hardware.

Based on the date of the prototype, it was cancelled right after Sega announced that the Dreamcast would be discontinued in January of 2001 and development was halted to such a degree that this build has no music or sound of any kind. A debug mode does allow you to explore multiple levels though, and active debugging code is visible when you play the game. It’s amazing how crisp the texture work is – Ecco’s character model looks fantastic even today, and the animations are impressive and silky-smooth. Definitely give this a download and try out this newly-minted piece of Dreamcast history.

Fandu [ 20 Junio 2016, 01:40 AM ]
Título del mensajeRe: Liberado Prototipo Eco II
Thanks for posting the notice, it is an excellent new as also the return of Hidden Palace.
Personally i dream with joining forces like 5 years ago

Too much unreleased (but discovered) games out there to be preserved.

I share here, the original source: Ecco II

PD: Soy yo el único que tiene problemas con la web?, además de no dejar postear videos, no se me ven los enlaces ni hipervínculos a artículos.

omi_payaso [ 21 Junio 2016, 09:04 PM ]
Título del mensajeRe: Liberado Prototipo Eco II
Thanks my brother saturn 1995 for the notice!

Yo también tengo problemas Fandu

segatasanshiro [ 21 Junio 2016, 10:57 PM ]
Título del mensajeRe: Liberado Prototipo Eco II
La semana pasada hubo varias caidas temporales de la pagina también.

Sega Saturn Shiro.

Drasglaf [ 22 Junio 2016, 10:46 AM ]
Título del mensajeRe: Liberado Prototipo Eco II
I wonder how many unreleased games are out there, waiting to be discovered.
Thank you for sharing this with us!

Yo quité las firmas porque no se veían pensando que habían caducado las imágenes en el host o algo, pero veo que es generalizado. Ah sí, y también tuve problemas al poner el vídeo de Rhea. Al final opté por poner un link directamente.

saturn_worship [ 11 Septiembre 2016, 05:59 PM ]
Título del mensajeRe: Liberado Prototipo Eco II
Really great news...soooo anticipated... all hail thy mighty hidden palace.

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