Hardware Issue

Objetivo: Hardware Issue

I'm the happy and sad owner of a new Nvidia GTX 480 card,....and Octane Render.First I had a hardware issue with my PC when I started up Octane my PC just turned off.....the Power supply was not strong enough .....550W...Now I bought a 850W and that issue was solved....I was happy again.But now a other issue....when I start the render.. my Displays goes black after a minute or directly..... GTX 480 seems to turn off but the PC is still running.I have reinstalled the latest Nvidia driver... but still the same.Now my question.....Did someone of you had a issue like this and can you tell me how you fixed it?can it be that my PC / Hardware has not the right configuration...it not a new PC.I could not find the Hardware requirement for the GTX 480.I really would appreciate it if someone can help me.

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

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Objetivo: Re: Hardware Issue

Of course I don't have any of the devices/software you are speking about, but it seems a power supply issue to me. Maybe the new PS is still not enough. The GTX will use more power as you increase the demand from it, so it seems there is not enough energy available when it needs it.

Hope it helps

However... I don't see what's the connection with "Sega Saturn"...

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Objetivo: Re: Hardware Issue
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