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Mensaje Re: Traducción Completa Magic Knight Rayearth

#11  Sylcatell 06 Agosto 2009, 08:54 PM

vaya vaya hace 6 o 7 de años baje el backup USA del juego ya que me llamaba la atención los gráficos coloristas del juego, (tb era para probar el st-key jaja)

el juego era entretenido la intro bestial y la calidad grafica un lujo 2D pero claro en inglés, gracias por la traducción xaval

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Mensaje Re: Traducción Completa Magic Knight Rayearth

#12  cewalcan 08 Agosto 2009, 01:28 PM


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Mensaje Re: Traducción Completa Magic Knight Rayearth

#13  Unknown Master 09 Noviembre 2013, 02:29 PM


First of all, congratulations for this translation. It's an amazing job!
DonGloton, Raizing and all the translation group, you rock! =)

Sorry if I'm posting in the wrong place. Please move my post to the right
section if necessary.

I'm from Brazil and I've been here long time ago in order to ask for help with my translation with this game.
Raizing and Wesker were very friendly and give me many hints (especially with the video encoding/translation)
about this game. Now, I have only a little doubt:

In theses days, I was trying to edit the font of the game in order to put special characters
that my language needs (ç, á, é, í, ó, ú, ã, õ...),
but I think that the font is VWF, because these characters in game
are weird (many spaces, or over another char)...

Well, I tried to find the VWF values tables to change the width of characters,
but unfortunately I can't find those values... According with my calculations, the width of the
following chars are (I counted the number of pixel of any char):

A = 11 (0B)
B = 10 (0A)
C = 11 (0B)
D = 11 (0B)
E = 11 (0B)
F = 11 (0B)

I did a hex search for values (0B0A0B0B0B0B), but I can't find nothing.
I tried with another values (subtracting/adding 1 in the values), but nothing...
What I'm doing wrong? Can someone help me?

Thanks for any help.


 Unknown Master Sexo: Masculino
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Mensaje Re: Traducción Completa Magic Knight Rayearth

#14  DreamStriker 13 Noviembre 2013, 03:58 AM

deluxe, quiere decir que dentro de poco podremos tostar estar iso y parchearla en cristiano?? cool, muchas gracias

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