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#71  _PABLO_ 24 Noviembre 2021, 03:33 AM


Anunciada la nueva y ultralimitada Evercade Purple Edition.

Sólo 1000 unidades se fabricarán de esta joyita.


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#72  _PABLO_ 01 Diciembre 2021, 08:44 PM


A todos los fans de EVERCADE.... ya es oficial, este mes anuncian nuevo cartucho!!!! Será el número 28 de la colección!


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#73  Jasvy 02 Diciembre 2021, 10:48 AM

Pues me he visto una review del modelo VS en sobremesa y la verdad es que me ha puesto los dientes largos...

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#74  _PABLO_ 02 Diciembre 2021, 12:52 PM

Jasvy escribió: [Ver mensaje]
Pues me he visto una review del modelo VS en sobremesa y la verdad es que me ha puesto los dientes largos...

Me alegro. Ojalá te unas a la familia Evercade

Desde ayer al parecer a la gente le está llegando a casa el modelo VS founder, en color negro.
Yo se que algún día me haré con el blanco, pero de momento también espero recibir esta belleza (con otros 6 cartuchos dentro, entre ellos el de GAELCO)



Hoy por hoy con sus 291 juegos en catálogo, Evercade es una opción a muy buen precio y con unas posibilidades jugables y coleccionables muy importantes. Y en unos días, esa cifra de juegos aumentará


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#75  CarrieFernandez 03 Diciembre 2021, 10:06 AM


Me pone los dientes largos a mi también pero realmente se que uso mas la portátil.

Hace un año que no toco la Xbox One y al menos 4 meses que no toco la WiiU, la falta de tiempo hace que tires de portatiles y aproveches las pocas ocasiones que tienes para jugar un poco.

En negro es como... muy seguera. ¿No? Realmente me gusta mas en blanco y rojo, un poco mas ''famicom''.

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#76  _PABLO_ 03 Diciembre 2021, 11:34 AM

Creo que lo has definido perfectamente Virtua.
La versión blanca es muy "alma famicom" estilizada.

De momento, las portátiles son las únicas que pueden jugar a los dos cartuchos de Namco (que son de los mejores de la colección) y eso han vuelto a decir que tratarán de arreglarlo, pero a estas alturas y con las VS ya enviándose, es algo imperdonable. Blaze se tiene que poner las pilas ya con ese tema.

Por eso a pesar de las mejoras, 1080p etc, las portátiles Evercade siguen siendo la mejor (y más económica) opción. Las únicas que realmente pueden usar esos 291 juegos de todos los cartuchos.

Por cierto, sigo a la espera de que me envíen el cartucho de GAELCO


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#77  _PABLO_ 06 Diciembre 2021, 03:36 PM

Muchas MUCHAS nuevas noticias han llegado al mundo EVERCADE hoy.

En el blog de la página web oficial de EVERCADE podéis leer una carta dirigida a los fans de estos sistemas, donde se resume lo logrado hasta ahora y se habla del futuro.

Os dejo la carta original:

2021 has been an interesting year, hasn’t it? Evercade has grown leaps and bounds and while we’ve had our setbacks with shipping delays and supply shortages, we’ve come out of the year as strong as we’ve ever been.

We’ve managed to bring another brand new way to play retro games to you with the Evercade VS!We’ve found a way to get everyone playing together with multiplayer support for new and existing titles!We’ve brought the arcade to Evercade (finally living up to the “cade” some would say)!We’ve released another 12 cartridges in 2021 and signed even more top names like Codemasters and great hidden gems in Gaelco Arcade.

There were so many great things that have happened behind the scenes as well. The team at Blaze has grown and a wealth of experience and excitement is at the heart of how Evercade is produced.

We wanted to bring you an update on what to expect next year as well because we believe in keeping our fanbase apprised of what’s happening and what our plans are for 2022… Don’t worry, we won’t spoil all the secrets.

Evercade VS Support

The Evercade VS has built-in WiFi. This means we can push brand new updates and improvements a lot more regularly than before. We’ve already listened to feedback from the initial reviews and testing of the VS with our beta testing team, some of which are implemented in the day one patch.

But we aim to bring even more to the Evercade VS over the next year. And whilst we don’t have any specific features we’re targeting as milestones, we’ll be spending a good portion of the first six months of 2022 researching and testing improvements and new features to help improve your experience and get more from your Evercade VS.

Evercade Handheld Support

The bread and butter of Evercade, so to speak. The Evercade Handheld is not being forgotten. With the release of firmware version 2.0 this month, we’re bringing a lot of the new improvements of the VS to the handheld to make the experience between the two as seamless as possible for the experience, savegames, and more.

We have seen a massive rise in the price of production for electronic devices and the Evercade Handheld has not escaped this. Many of the components are in high demand and have low supply, such as screens and computer chips, and the cost of logistics has exponentially increased. Alongside expiring deals, this has ultimately led us to review the current structure of our hardware.

This has led to reduced supply in 2021, but we have new stock arriving in early 2022 for those that would like to play Evercade on the go,

From January 1st, 2022, the suggested retail price of the Evercade Handheld will rise in the UK to £79.99 for a Starter pack and £99.99 for the Premium pack. Customers in Europe will see the Starter pack rise to €89.99 and the Premium pack to €109.99. US customers will see their price change to $89.99 for a starter pack and $109.99 for the Premium Pack.

For retailers, this means that we will advise an increased “Suggested Retail Price” or SRP on new stock that they order from us. If they have existing stock already ordered before that date, our SRP will be the same, however, all retailers are at liberty to set their own prices.

But the big takeaway is that we are continuing to produce the Evercade Handheld for the foreseeable future and we have exciting plans for whatever comes next.

Evercade Cartridges

We feel that we’ve found the sweet spot when it comes to the number of cartridges we aim to release within a year period. While some delays meant that a couple of dates slipped in 2021, our ability and knowledge of the world’s production issues mean we can create a plan for 2022 that is realistic for us to produce and for you to enjoy.

We will make sure that cartridge releases will continue to release in pairs. Both for pre-orders and for shipping/availability. We hope to announce the next cartridges in the release plan around the release of the previous two. That means that you should never have multiple pre-orders that you’re waiting for!

Even better news is that we’ve already got the first nine cartridges all signed and sorted, and are almost there with the final six. So our lineup for 2022 is 75% complete! Don’t worry, we won’t spoil all the surprises but, by popular demand, we will bring back the release timeline calendar!

Things however do change and the cartridges themselves have also not escaped the global production and shipping cost rises. We’ve been pretty open with our community in discussing pricing and value and the potential need to update our cartridge pricing.

So from January 1st, 2022, the SRP of cartridges will rise for newly ordered stock to £17.99 in the UK and €19.99 in the EU. The US cost will remain at $19.99 as taxes are paid on top of this in many states. This will include cartridge 23/24 that will be available to pre-order shortly. Like the Handheld, we are stressing with retailers that the SRP for the existing stock is still sold at the 2021 price, but they are at liberty to set their own prices.

There are also some updates on our existing licenses as well, as deals expire and while we’ve attempted to re-negotiate and keep things available at every turn, contracts do expire, and our partners do change their licensing strategies which can lead to extensions not being possible. There are also deals that were made for exclusive purposes and were limited-time agreements. So you will see availability decrease on certain cartridges over 2022 as we are unable to produce new stock. Below you will find the affected carts and the dates on which they will no longer be produced:

Namco Collection 1 (ends June 2022)Namco Collection 2 (ends June 2022)Technos Collection 1 (ends March 2022)Oliver Twins Collection (ends March 2022)

These dates are the last time we can sell these titles to our customers, but you should still see stock in the market as it sells through in 2022. We continue to discuss new arrangements for

But the good news is that this frees up production materials for some great new carts for 2022 and not only are we committing to bringing you the best we can from the history of home consoles, the lineup for 2022 will include more Arcade cartridges, more Indie Games and more home console classics. We believe the Evercade ecosystem will have as many as 350 games available by the end of next year! This also gives us the freedom to release more cartridges if something utterly irresistible happens to drop in our license inbox.

Merchandise and Accessories

Over the year, we’ve looked at merchandise as we’re aware that our fans really want to show their support for Evercade. We’ve managed to raise money for charity with our exclusive t-shirt with SevenSquared. We’ve also licensed merchandise with Funstock including t-shirts and other wearables.

We’re delighted to announce that we will continue to license merchandise with Funstock throughout 2022, so please keep your eyes open for more news on upcoming merchandise!

We also know that many of you have asked about accessories such as cases and ideas for storage. We have been working this year, when we could, at ideas, prices and costings for such items.

So in 2022, we will be bringing you accessories and we aim to make these available as stock as opposed to licensing a retailer so they will be available from your local Evercade stockist.

We’re also growing our list of retailers too, as we’ve already introduced to our new friends at Castlemania Games, we’re exploring more retail options in Germany, the Mediterranean, and the Far East!

A word from the Managing Director

It has been an exciting year to see the VS be developed by our passionate team in 2021 and despite the various challenges it is great to see our community of fans continue to support us over the past 12 months. We have a large catalogue of retro titles now available for people to enjoy and we aim to continue growing this to over 100 cartridges in the next few years. This, coupled with the Handheld and VS gives us the chance to bring you games from well-known publishers, Indie developers and help you explore the history of gaming with hidden gems. I have to say a big thank you to all our customers this year and we will do our best to bring you an even better experience in 2022 and beyond.

Thank you for being Awesome,

Andrew Byatt.

Como resumen de lo mejor:

1- Siguen hablando de querer como objetivo llegar a los 100 cartuchos para Evercade en los próximos años (por ahora llevan ya confirmados 27)

2- Para 2022 ya tienen asegurados los próximos SEIS (6) nuevos cartuchos. Esto es algo impresionante. Ni en mis mejores sueños podría imaginarlo desde que decidí apoyar con todas mis fuerzas este proyecto allá por Abril de 2020, antes de su salida a la venta.

3- Anuncian más cartuchos de juegos arcade. Genial.

4- Anuncian más cartuchos de juegos indie. Genial, es una de las cosas que más me gusta de Evercade como plataforma, ya que brinda un formato físico 100% licenciado a los nuevos desarrolladores de neoretro.

5- Anuncian un incremento de precios muy moderado para consolas y cartuchos (de 17 a 19,99€ cada uno). Dado los sobrecostes de chips y logística global, no me parece exagerado.

6- Lo más importante para mí. Hablan de acabar 2022 con un catálogo confirmado de 350 juegos (por ahora llevan 291). Esos son muchas nuevas licencias para el catálogo EVERCADE en este año. GRAN NOTICIA!!!!!

Seguiremos informando!


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#78  CarrieFernandez 07 Diciembre 2021, 12:36 PM

Es increible el crecimiento que está experimentando.

Los viejos jugadores aun quieren seguir comprando ''game boys y cartuchitos''.

La verdad, la ilusión con la que abres la caja y sacas el cartucho, lo insertas en la ranura... No la tienes con Steam o con cualquier videojuego cuya primera tarea es ''actualizar la versión y espèrar 10 minutos para jugar''.

Esto lo estamos sosteniendo personas nacidas en 1970, 1980+ o como mucho de los 90... ¡Somos legion!

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#79  CarrieFernandez 07 Diciembre 2021, 12:43 PM

Y... Me hace gracia que habrían compañías que al principio se reirían del proyecto y no estarían dispùestas a licenciar sus juegos.

Pero mira como poco a poco van saliendo licenciatarias subiéndose al carro.

Si EVERCADE crece, no seria extraño que viéramos a alguna compañía potente dando caché al proyecto.

Tiene gracia, de todas las consolas que tengo... ¡Es la unica que toco!  

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Virtua (in memoriam)
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#80  _PABLO_ 07 Diciembre 2021, 12:45 PM

Virtua escribió: [Ver mensaje]
Es increible el crecimiento que está experimentando.

Los viejos jugadores aun quieren seguir comprando ''game boys y cartuchitos''.

La verdad, la ilusión con la que abres la caja y sacas el cartucho, lo insertas en la ranura... No la tienes con Steam o con cualquier videojuego cuya primera tarea es ''actualizar la versión y espèrar 10 minutos para jugar''.

Esto lo estamos sosteniendo personas nacidas en 1970, 1980+ o como mucho de los 90... ¡Somos legion!

Me gusta ver que en muchos se aprecia esa forma de verlo. Somos una legión de 11.000 frikis que vivieron una época preciosa donde comprabas un cartucho y el juego o juegos incluidos eran tuyos para siempre!


Una época sin dlcs ni tiempos de carga, enchufar y jugar.


Y una ilusión viendo cómo cada mes una pequeña compañía lucha por ampliar el catálogo de sus consolas para ofrecer una gran variedad de juegos.


Por cierto, no cesan las BUENAS NOTICIAS, hoy mismo en el twitter oficial:


Esta semana !!! Esta semana nuevo cartucho!!! El número 28!!!!



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