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Mensaje Before Christ ( BC o B.C. ) de Xbox

#1  Ryo Suzuki 21 Abril 2013, 07:49 PM

Cuando los dinosaurios dominaban la tierra. Y cuando lo hacían de forma anacrónica con los humanos en aras de una experiencia jugable mejor. Este juego cancelado, quizás no muy conocido, es de lo más interesante. Echadle un ojo a esto, si os apetece:

bc b.c Before Christ xbox unreleased

Es un escaneo de dos de las páginas de la Revista Oficial Xbox americana que cubría en forma de preview este fallido proyecto que quedó finalmente unreleased. Están extraídas en concreto del número 9 y datan de agosto del 2002.

Si os habéis leído este scan que os adjunto ya os habrá quedado bastante claro de qué iba la cosa y habréis podido comprobar que el juego pintaba bastante bien gráficamente en su día, prometiendo además una jugabilidad cuando menos interesante.

bc xbox canned intrepid

bc xbox cancelled lionhead

Antes de Cristo, y además debía de ser en un mundo paralelo donde los dinosaurios y nuestra especie coexistieron alguna vez en la tierra , fue un proyecto bastante ambicioso del estudio inglés Intrepid Computer Entertainment. Se trataba de un estudio satélite de Lionhead Studios (el segundo en ser aceptado, en concreto) que fue fundado en 1999 por ex-miembros de Bullfrog y que además fue comprado como first-party por la propia Microsoft para desarrollar este BC para su consola Xbox.


Aquí os pongo algo más de info de la compañía que figuraba en su antigua página web y que al estar offline ahora ya no está disponible:

Intrepid Computer Entertainment was originally formed as a collaborative partnership between three ex colleagues, all at one time senior employees of Bullfrog productions. The objective of the company is the pursuit of innovative excellence in computer game development and design. Intrepid employs many of the resources associated with film production to help establish new graphical benchmarks for the new century. Joe Rider, Matt Chilton and Terry Cattrell worked together as the ‘Theme’ development team, eventually deciding to leave Bullfrog to pursue their own direction and innovation. Joe Rider is a masters graduate from Centre for Advanced Studies in Computer Aided Art and Design in London and enjoyed a five year career pioneering interactive media, film and post production for the music industry before joining Bullfrog productions as the head of the aux. Art department in 1995. Matt Chilton is a triple first-class honours maths graduate from Cambridge University. Matt’s considerable experience was drawn from his role as senior lead programmer on three consecutive titles at Bullfrog productions. Terry Cattrell has over ten years industry experience as a graphics and animation specialist with a considerable inventory of titles under his belt. Terry respectively headed the animation department at Graftgold and the Art department at the Bitmap Brothers, before becoming animation director at Bullfrog Productions.

Intrepid has now expanded into a studio complex in Wimbledon Park, southwest London and the company's new title 'BC' is in full blown production. Intrepid is a satellite company of Lionhead Studios Ltd and as such is subject to collaboration with Lionhead and particularly Peter Molyneux, one of the few true legends in computer game development.

Como leéis mencionan al igual que en las páginas escaneadas que os he adjuntado a Peter Molyneux y es que este BC se podría quizás comparar con el famoso Fable (o Project Ego, que es como se le conocía por ese tiempo). Hasta el punto incluso que, por lo ambicioso del proyecto y lo que proponía, podría haberle llegado a hacerle sombra o, si me apuras, hasta a superarlo...

Una aventura de acción en tercera persona en el que controlábamos a una tribu o grupo de humanos en una era prehistórica y en la que teníamos que sobrevivir y a la vez conseguir poblar lo suficientemente un territorio para poder pasar al siguiente nivel.
El juego era bastante violento y cruel, con muchísima sangre y gore, algo en parte normal si se supone que estaba situado en la etapa más salvaje del ser humano, en plena naturaleza y en un entorno hostil.

Además del hecho que homínidos y dinosaurios compartan lugar y tiempo, el título se tomaba otras licencias desde el punto vista histórico y científico para ser más espectacular y comercial. Como, por ejemplo, que al parecer algunos dinosaurios eran mucho más grandes y espectaculares de lo que hubieran sido en realidad y algunas otras cosas que un palenteólogo podría ver rápidamente aunque a nosotros quizás se nos escaparían




Como habréis ido viendo por las capturas y tal, el proyecto tenia unos cuotas técnicas muy altas y el equipo perseguía una calidad visual muy grande. Esto sumado a lo ambicioso de la empresa en el campo jugable, con un vasto mundo y ecosistema con múltiples posibilidades (se ve que era en realidad un autentico sandbox), hizo que el juego fuese cancelado tras mucho tiempo de desarrollo.

Desde el 2001 que se anunció y como habéis leído en el preview con una salida estimada inicialmente para el año 2003, parece que los retrasos se fueron acumulando uno tras otro. En la web oficial de Microsoft se anunciaba más tarde para primavera del 2004, e incluso llego a cambiarse la release date para el 2005 (ya el año de la salida de la 360!!).

Intrepid Computer Entertainment
  cerró finalmente en abril del 2005, siendo el juego cancelado y anunciado oficialmente unos meses antes (en octubre del mismo del 2004). BC fue su único y fallido juego y varios de los miembros fueron contratados por la propia Lioenhead tras la desaparición de Intrepid.

Esta es la descripción, a modo de press release casi, que estuvo colgada en la web oficial de la Xbox durante el tiempo que el proyecto estuvo en desarrollo. Con muchos datos interesantes:

Before there were roofs overhead, there were dank, dark caves, echoing with the grunts of their prehistoric inhabitants. Before organized crops and farming, every new fruit and berry picked off the tree could be sweet, delicious sustenance—or deadly poison.

Every roar in the distance necessitated tribal unity. Every rock shard and broken stick could be a weapon. Every flame needed to be preserved. Before there was history, there was BC.

BC is an original third-person action-adventure game that hurtles players back millions of years into prehistory, to the beginnings of humankind. Members of a clan take part in an epic journey of survival, battling against ferocious, prehistoric creatures and exploring vast natural environments.

New technologies and knowledge could be just over the next rise. If humanity is to survive, the tribe needs to evolve into a thinking, resourceful unit that can rise up to become the pioneers in a primeval, unpredictable world.


    -Brutal prehistoric combat: Players experience savage battles in an uncivilized, merciless era. Heads and limbs get torn off, and pools of blood congeal after brutal conflicts in a violent, dangerous world—where only the strong survive.

    -The world as a weapon: Gamers will discover and create a multitude of deadly weapons, using naturally occurring materials. Enemies can be poisoned with native plants. An avalanche can be triggered to kill predatory opponents. Interactive environments allow for multiple solutions. Any object can be picked up or used as a tool or weapon, and wild animals have the potential to be predator or prey.

    -A massive prehistoric world: Players must lead their tribe through the nascent earth's deadly, but beautiful environments. From ancient rainforests to underwater settings, from scathing desert heat to fierce mountain blizzards, gamers must weather the elements

    -Deadly adversaries: The tribe becomes the hunted when deadly creatures, ranging from saber-toothed tigers to velociraptors, who defend viciously defend their young when they perceive danger or stalk tribe members for food.

    -Evolution or extinction: Gamers handpick tribe members to produce babies born to be hunters, mystics, fighters, or other specializations. As their experience grows and time passes, players choose the right skills and powers to enhance their characters and benefit the tribe.

Y como, a parte de las capturas y el scan, lo mejor en esto de los videojuegos como casi siempre es verlos en movimiento, aquí os pongo algunos videos que he encontrado. El primero parece de los típicos oficiales de Xbox al comienzo de la vida de la consola de Microsoft:

YouTube Link

También tenemos este que por lo visto se centra más en la jugabilidad y que debe ser una edición de videos de varias fuentes (entre ellas Gamespot):

YouTube Link

No está nada mal, ¿verdad?

Para finalizar y que no me quede el post muy largo, os pongo una entrevista en la que se aclaran muchas cosas del estudio en lo referente a la colaboración con Lionhead. Incluso se desvela que al parecer el título partía con el motor del Black & White y muchos detalles que considero de lo más interesantes:

Monday, February 14, 2000 - 8:15 am CT
Interview: Intrepid on Collaborating With Lionhead

With the cost of game development increasing with each rotation of the earth, sharp companies are devising ways to extend resources across multiple titles. One such company is Lionhead Studios, which is using a new development model under which fortuitous third-party developers are given full access to Lionhead's technology, creative resources, testing, sound, and administration.

One such game--B.C. from Intrepid--is in full production and being lead at the hand of individuals with extensive experience in the industry, including Joe Rider, Terry Cattrell, and Matt Chilton. Lionhead selected the teams from over 100 groups that applied. Last fall, we approached designer Peter Molyneux, who is serving as executive producer on the project, about the things that attracted Lionhead to Intrepid.

Molyneux said the reasons were many, but could be boiled down to Intrepid's enthusiasm, along with past accomplishments, technical prowess, and the depth and vision of their game idea. “The idea of external teams is that they grow and expand, so in addition to the points above, we had to consider how they would handle the process of becoming full scale game developers,” Molyneux explained.

Molyneux was also more specific with the Adrenaline Vault about the meaning of "full access to Lionhead's technology, creative resources, testing, sound, and administration." Does this mouthful indicate Intrepid will be using the BLACK & WHITE engine to create B.C.? Yes, but there is more depth to the arrangement than that, commented the veteran developer. In fact, the relationship will be more complementary than most companies' standard third-part relationships.

“The idea is that we share all the technology in such a way that it inspires the team. They get the 3D engine as well as all the source code, enabling them to introduce enhancements they may pass on to Lionhead. This includes 3D graphics, AI, sound and game engines. Technology sharing is not a new idea, but one I had when I was at Bullfrog. I cannot bear to waste technology, which is why Dungeon Keeper was written on a hybrid of the Magic Carpet engine," said Molyneux. Intrepid also has full access to one of Lionhead’s most important resources--game testing.

We were able to interview Rider, who serves as Intrepid’s creative director, about their relationship with Lionhead and how it is serving the development of B.C. We will have an interview with Big Blue Box, a second team that aligned with Lionhead to create Demigod, soon.

Tell us about Intrepid. When did it form, where is it based, who is a part of it, and what is their experience in the industry?

Intrepid is based in cosmopolitan southwest London, and was formed within the last year as a collaborative partnership between three ex-colleagues, all at one time senior employees of Bullfrog Productions. The objective of the company is the pursuit of innovative excellence in computer game development and design. Intrepid employs many of the resources associated with film production to help establish new graphical benchmarks. Matt Chilton, Terry Cattrell, and myself worked together as the “Theme” development team, eventually deciding to leave Bullfrog to pursue our own direction and innovation.

I am a master’s graduate from Centre for Advanced Studies in Computer Aided Art and Design in London, and enjoyed a five-year career pioneering interactive media, film and post production for the music industry before joining Bullfrog as the head of the auxiliary art department in 1995. Matt is a triple first-class honors math graduate from Cambridge University. His considerable experience was drawn from his role as senior lead programmer on three consecutive titles at Bullfrog. Terry has over 10 years of industry experience as a graphics and animation specialist, with a considerable inventory of titles under his belt. Terry headed the animation department at Graftgold and the art department at the Bitmap Brothers before becoming animation director at Bullfrog.

Tell us about how you came to be aligned with Lionhead Studios and its new third-party development model.

We became aware of Lionhead’s satellite development proposal through the industry press, and our association with many of the senior staff and friends at Lionhead. We formally approached Lionhead with our game design and development plans hoping to achieve satellite status, which was no mean feat; the competition was huge. The selection procedure was extremely rigorous and we received no preferential treatment in respect to our former status within Bullfrog, although it helped that many at Lionhead were aware of our work, our production methods, and, of course, our personalities, which is a huge consideration when you start a new development team. It is fair to say that Lionhead was impressed with our concept, ambitions, and with the comprehensive amount of work we had put in before we presented. Intrepid was accepted as a satellite development team in October of last year.

How beneficial has the process of exchange between Lionhead and Intrepid been? Has the collaboration promised when the model was announced been a large part of your relationship?

The benefits we have gained from the collaborative arrangement have been unparalleled. The resources now at our disposal are substantial, and as the relationship works in both ways, we are able to offer our expertise in return. The model’s arrangements have been very influential; we have technology available to us that would take years to develop ourselves, and can apply a larger portion of our focus on producing brilliant gameplay.

Tell us about your experiences collaborating with Peter Molyneux, one of the few true legends in computer game development.

Peter’s influence has been inspirational to date. We are extremely fortunate in having someone of his status in the role of executive producer. His approach is to think around a concept in a creative fashion, and to hone in on a set of ideas produced through a series of brainstorming sessions. In fact, once Peter starts having new ideas, we can't make him stop. His ability to continually innovate has been invaluable in establishing the foundations of many of our key game mechanics.

How friendly is the industry right now to start-up developers, and what are the reasons for this?

The satellite model has ensured that Intrepid has been subject to incredible offers from the publishing community. However, I have to say that without question, it is becoming increasingly difficult for new development teams to secure deals in the present climate. Escalating production budgets arising from the resources now required to push a competitive product to market have meant that the publisher is now required to risk more capital in an environment full of uncertainty, especially with reference to the projected take up of the next generation of consoles. A start-up company will now have to convince a publisher of their products’ worth and marketability, as well as substantiate their own credentials just to get a first sitting at the negotiating table. Unfortunately this also means it is increasingly difficult to find backing for innovative titles that do not slot into the pre-established marketing routines backboned by the rise of sequel cult

Reported by: David Laprad

Y eso es todo por el momento. Si os interesa el tema puedo tratar de ampliar este post. Un saludo y espero que ojala algún día tengamos la posibilidad de probar algún prototipo de este prometedor proyecto.



Ayúdame a mantener este y otros proyectos, pulsa aquí


Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. (Confucius)
japan.png Ryo Suzuki Sexo: Masculino
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Mensaje Re: Before Christ ( BC O B.C. ) De Xbox

#2  segatasanshiro 22 Abril 2013, 12:17 AM

Juegazo del copon,mucho mejor que el Fable es lo que me parece a mi que era.Mucho mas divertido en mi opinion,pedazo de aporte Ryo.

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Mensaje Re: Before Christ ( BC O B.C. ) De Xbox

#3  lexlutor90 22 Abril 2013, 02:07 AM

Yo soy fan de juegos que emulen o ayuden a entender ciertas etapas o puntos de la historia como The Warriors  (come out to playyyyy warriors) The Godfather que nos muestra un Nueva york de los 20tes (que ya no existe) o este Before Christ o B.C. aunque como menciona Ryo los dinosaurios y los humanos no cohexistieron en el mismo plano temporal pero seria interesante....

Seria interesante y por lo que menciona el articulo que como el juego ya tenia mucho de avanzado algun dia salga a la luz este material, buen y completo reportaje Ryo.

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Mensaje Re: Before Christ ( BC O B.C. ) De Xbox

#4  flacser 22 Abril 2013, 05:56 AM


gracias por hacerla


me voy a dormir     


enserio que si

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Mensaje Re: Before Christ ( BC o B.C. ) de Xbox

#5  Ryo Suzuki 22 Abril 2013, 10:05 PM

He recopilado bastante más información investigando un rato.

Al parecer la simulación de ecosistema que estaban creando no era ni mucho menos moco de pavo. Echadle un ojo a estas palabras de Aaron Ludlow, el que era el lead tester del juego (la información está sacada de los extintos foros de Intrepid, donde los developers compartían información sobre el progreso del mismo mientras lo andaban desarrollando):

Take a look at the screenshot. Just thought I'd share this very cool 'bug' with you all.


As you all know, we have a full eco system in B.C where every creature needs to eat/drink and sleep. Well, I was playing the game this morning and the pterosaurs got so hungry, instead of attacking some innocent Dodo, it swooped down, attacked me, picked me up and took me back to their nest!!! Unfortunately, I totally lost control of the caveman I was controlling and had to re-start the game!

The thing which makes this very cool is that we have no code in for the pterosaur picking up cavemen; the eco system code kicked in and the pterosaur saw the cavemen as meat so when it was hungry it made a grab for me!

I took the screenshot via our 'test cam'. There are many great story's like this but unfortunately I cant share all of em' with you! This is why I love working on this game!!!!!!

Como podeis ver si era totalmente cierto era bastante impresionante el asunto. No soy ni mucho menos un entendido en estos temas de programacion, pero en muchas previews una de las cosas que mas se alababa de BC era la IA y reacciones de todos los seres vivos del juego.

Aquí os pongo también algo más de este hombre en al trabajo de testing/debugeo:

There was another funny incident the devs ran across. They were out hunting and discovered the scene of a large battle. There were corpses of Raptors and the giant crocodiles littering a field. They were amazed to see the bloody footprints of Dodo's meandering the carnage and then leading off. At first look, it appeared the Dodo's went on a rampage and killed the carnivores! After further research, they determined the Dodo's were being hunted by two different predators which didn't want to share and had killed each other in the process, leaving the Dodo's free to go about their lives.

Another time they had found the body of a giant dead croc and decided to try and investigate what exactly killed it.  So they followed the bloody footprints and eventually it brought them to a pack of raptors.  This kind of stuff is amazing considering it was set to release on the original xbox.  I can't believe they haven't started work on this again.

Ahora os pego también por aquí una entrevista con Aaron que puede complementar de alguna forma todo esto. Antes aprovecho para adjuntar algunos screenshots mas que en el primer post no puse demasiados:










Y ahora la entrevista de la pagina MS Microsoft World, que por desgracia ya no esta operativa a día de hoy, os la rescato por aqui:

Interview with Aaron Ludlow who is the lead tester of BC which is currently in development over at Intrepid Games....

Question: What is your name and your position within the company and can you name any previous titles you have worked on?

Answer: My names Aaron Ludlow and I am lead test on BC for the Xbox. I have been employed at Lionhead for three and a half years and have previously worked on Black&White and its add-on, Creature Isle.

Question: As a tester what does your work entail?

Answer: My work entails working alongside the designers at Intrepid to help balance the game and make it as fun to play as possible.

Question: Many gamers assume that working as a tester is glamorous would you agree/disagree with this?

Answer: Disagree! I have worked on BC close to two years now and we still have a period of time to go on the project. This means playing the same game day in and day out for long periods whilst also trying to look at it from a fresh point of view – this is where our work experience program assists us (details found at: http://www.lhtimes.com) . We basically offer people from all over the world the chance to come in and test our games. As the game develops it becomes more polished and therefore enjoyable so my job becomes much more interesting towards the end of a game’s development!

Question: As part of the overall development how important is the role of a games tester?

Answer: Testing is an important aspect of any development process; we are the guys who play the games day in, day out.

We are all avid gamers so the theory is - if we don’t like the games we are testing, neither will the gamers which are going to buy our game.

Some development companies do not have in-house test departments which in my eyes, is the wrong way to go as it will always be hard to get honest impressions of a game in development without them.

But it would be wrong to put loads of emphasis on testing alone, like many things in life, it’s all about teamwork. Without the designers/artists/programmers/scripters/producers there wouldn’t be a game.

Question: What has been the hardest part of working on BC

Answer: The hardest part must be testing every aspect of the game. Due to BC’s free roaming nature and fully interactive environments, there are literally tons of ways you could complete each task. Testing each one in different circumstances can be very time consuming.

Question: What unique game play styles have you encountered in the development of BC

Answer: BC is one of the most unique gaming experiences I have played in many-a-year, even while it’s still in development. There are just so many great things about it. Some examples;

Environments – the first game for years (surprisingly) I can think of which takes you back to the prehistoric era whilst fighting dinosaurs and overcoming gruelling environments. These tasks take both skill and nerve!

Eco System – a living and breathing world. Each creature has its own needs and desires. They need to eat, drink, sleep and be safe. The player has the chance to manipulate this and help \ hinder specific creatures in breeding, feeding etc to his/her own benefit

I could go on about other things but then that would just spoil the experience for you gamers (plus I have work to do and to explain everything would take a long time!).

Question: What element of BC has impressed you the most to date?

Answer: Probably the Eco system. Sometimes I just sit back and watch the eco system in action. Seeing hungry raptors suddenly sight a group of Domeheads, team up into formation and quietly sneak up on them to vicious and devastating effect still fascinates me each and every time I see it! It’s as if I am participating in an interactive Wildlife documentary!

Question: At X03 Peter Molyneux showed us BC in early playable form how close is BC to completion now?

Answer: We are currently nearing the latter stages of development. We have a great policy at Lionhead to only release games when we feel we have developed them to a point where we cannot improve them anymore.

Question: In BC how is the main character represented in the game?

Answer: There isn’t a main character as such, the player takes control of a tribe of characters which each have their own unique abilities. The player can take control of any of these characters and utilize there individual skills to assist in the conquering of the world. Teams can also be created \ controlled allowing various tactics to be employed that involve multiple tribespeople.

Question: How large do these tribes get and is increasing the size of your tribe an integral part of the game?

Answer: It depends on how well protected you keep your camp! If they are safe and have plenty of food and water you can breed a large tribe.

And yes, looking after your camp is an important part of the game. We hope to balance the tribe development so the player has a choice of his level of involvement, some people like to fiddle with the figures and some don’t! We try to cater for all types of gamers on BC!

Question: Finally with a complex game like BC what are the most common bugs that a tester will find?

Answer: Well recently there has been a lot of eco system bugs, as this obviously an extremely complex piece of code.

One night, I left my Xbox running overnight and when I came into work I found my level was totally populated by hundreds of dodos! The bug involved the raptor AI. They wouldn’t eat which meant that the Dodos had no predators attacking them, thus they kept breeding peacefully but at a high rate!

Another one was the gigantic T-Rex, he suddenly became 25 times his normal size! I can now look back and laugh but believe me, at 3 in the morning, with no sleep, seeing it coming out of no-where, teeth bared and intent on my tribe’s blood……. I wasn’t laughing!!!

Si os gusta el tema os ire poniendo más cosas. Tengo bastante stuff recopilado, solo me falta un prototipo del juego

japan.png Ryo Suzuki Sexo: Masculino
Alfonso Martínez González
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Mensaje Re: Before Christ ( BC O B.C. ) De Xbox

#6  omi_payaso 22 Abril 2013, 10:22 PM

Me dieron ganas de llorar viendo que esto es unreleased y vaya que me encanta todo lo que tiene que ver con dinosaurios. Al parecer querian realmente hacer un juego que superara todo lo hecho hasta antes. Que homínidas tan fortachonas   y que pena que se terminara cancelando   ..........será que ese juego exprimiría toda la capacidad del Xbox . Gracias Ryo me brillaron los ojos leyendo este bello artículo

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Mensaje Re: Before Christ ( BC O B.C. ) De Xbox

#7  Migl 22 Abril 2013, 10:57 PM

¡¡Diooooosss!! ¡Pero qué puñetera lástima que esto no llegase a salir a la luz! Tiene pintaza, pero pintaza de la buena, siempre había deseado un juego en el que relacionarte con el ecosistema dinosauril y fueses cazando y blablabla, pero que se estuviese haciendo algo así en XBOX supera todas mis expectativas.

Ojalá en Lionhead o donde fuese retomasen este proyecto y lo hiciesen tal cual pero con las posibles mejoras que pudiesen brindar las capacidades de las máquinas de hoy día, ojalá. Impresionante.

Joder, es que veo los vídeos y... ¡¡que salga!! ¡que se filtre! ¡que cojan lo que tengan hecho del juego (que al parecer estaba cerca de estar terminado) y lo pulan para sacarlo!

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Mensaje Re: Before Christ ( BC O B.C. ) De Xbox

#8  segatasanshiro 23 Abril 2013, 01:43 PM

Viendo lo que has puesto Ryo cada vez estoy mas seguro que este juego es el arca perdida de los Unreleased salvo que salga alguno de Shenmue III jajajajaajajajaja.

Sega Saturn Shiro.

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Mensaje Re: Before Christ ( BC O B.C. ) De Xbox

#9  Ryo Suzuki 24 Abril 2013, 12:38 AM

No te creas segata, sé que este es muy apetecible... pero es que hay más juegos de los que a veces pensamos que tenían muy buena pinta tambien y que fueron cancelados de igual forma. Ya iremos poniendo, ya veras...

Migl escribió: [Ver mensaje]

Ojalá en Lionhead o donde fuese retomasen este proyecto y lo hiciesen tal cual pero con las posibles mejoras que pudiesen brindar las capacidades de las máquinas de hoy día, ojalá. Impresionante.

No te creas que andas muy desencaminado con lo de la posibilidad de retomar el proyecto...

Por lo visto el juego estaba practicamente finalizado para finales del 2004, cuando aparentemente sin ningun motivo se canceló. Bueno más que canceló, digamos que se paró. Echadle un ojo a la nota oficial que anunciaba la cancelación oficialmente, palabras del propio Molineux:


bc b.c Before Christ xbox unreleased

Lionhead Studios announced today that its plans for Xbox title BC have been suspended. BC was being developed by Intrepid Computer Entertainment, part of Lionhead Studios.

In announcing the decision to suspend work on BC, Peter Molyneux Managing Director of Lionhead Studios said “The decision to suspend work on any games project is always a very difficult one, particularly when it is a title with the potential of BC. We hope to revive the project at a later date and will endeavour to assign as many of the team as possible to other Lionhead projects.”

Fuente: Es de la web oficial del juego. Offline ya, como dije.

Como veis, dicen que suspenden el trabajo que estan realizando con este juego. Tres años al menos de duro curro y un proyecto mas que prometedor que por lo que se intuye quisieron dejar congelado en un principio, aunque finalmente se puede decir que fue cancelado realmente, ya que nunca retomaron el proyecto.

Fijaos como reaccionaban algunos medios ante la sorprendente noticia. Por ejemplo, lo que decian en Spong:


Lionhead drops prehistoric Xbox project - B.C. now extinct?

Posted 22 Oct 2004 by Staff

In what will come as disappointing news for Lionhead fans, the ambitious sounding (and cool-looking)Xbox prehistoric adventure, BC, has been put on hold indefinitely. In development with Intrepid Computer Entertainment, BC had originally been pitched as a unique free-roaming adventure, with RPG elements, that saw the player trying to lead a tribe of cave people in an effort to evolve into the bestest monkeys; battling rival cave people and dinosaurs in the process. Since then, the concept was taken down a peg or two: reducing gameplay to more straightforward, generic action.

Lionhead hasn’t provided an official explanation for the sidelining of what had initially sounded like a great thing. Perhaps the gaming community’s disappointed response to Fable had dissuaded the company to unleash a game like this: which may have been reduced to a shadow of its former self. But that said, Fable has become the biggest selling Xbox game yet: suggesting that there’s plenty of money to be made from slightly disappointing products. More reassuringly, Lionhead has stated that “We hope to revive the project at a later date.”

Seeing as Lionhead managed to secure multi-million pound investment from venture capitalists only three days prior to this announcement, it would seem to have been a quality rather than financial issue. But the world of games still needs more caveman related stuff. We sincerely hope that BC isn’t completely extinct quite yet.

Fuente online esta vez!!   : http://spong.com/article/7851/Lionh...B-C-now-extinct

Como leeis, meten a Fable por medio, como hacia yo de alguna forma en el primer post. Es posible que el desarrollo de Fable hiciese mucho daño a este BC, porque por lo que he estado viendo compartian mas staff y recursos de los que en un principio yo podia sospechar.

No me extrañaria que BC acabase de algun modo siendo un banco de pruebas para Fable y sus futuras secuelas. O que muchos de los esfuerzos que volcaron en Fable hicieron que se descuidase un poco este BC, alargando su desarrollo en demasia, hasta al final llegando a ser cancelado.

Algo similar se podria quizas decir con el primer Black & White. Que les sirviese de mucho como punto de partida para comenzar a abordar el desarrollo de este BC (y no solo por el motor grafico), y curiosamente muchas cosas que pudieron descubrir/aprender haciendo este titulo de mundo abierto en el que manejabamos a los homo sapiens les sirviesen paradojicamente de bastante ayuda para crear más tarde Black & White 2...

Tras esta parada anunciada en el desarrollo de BC que he posteado, más de uno pudo imaginar que el titulo fuese trasladado a la sucesora de la Xbox, la exitosa -a dia de hoy- 360. Como sucedió con otros juegos que llegaban a su fase final de ser completados ya en el año 2004//2005, y/o con ciertos visos de ser titulos punteros y comerciales que fueron pasados a la sucesora de la primera consola de Microsoft.

Algun que otro jugador albergó esa esperanza de que el proyecto quedase parado provisionalmente y fuese retomado mas tarde, potenciadolo-upgradeandolo digamos y acabandolo finalmente para ser lanzado para la Xbox 360. Sin embargo, como ahora sabemos, eso nunca acabo sucediendo.

Y creo conocer tambien el motivo por el que no se retomó el proyecto para la Xbox 360, ya os lo pondré cuando recopile la información pertinente con todas las pruebas publicadas en su día.

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Migl escribió: [Ver mensaje]

Joder, es que veo los vídeos y... ¡¡que salga!! ¡que se filtre! ¡que cojan lo que tengan hecho del juego (que al parecer estaba cerca de estar terminado) y lo pulan para sacarlo!

Lo veo dificil ya que lo retomen como dije antes y pondre mas datos que daran mas fuerza aun a mi opinion. Lo que si que te digo es que pueden haber prototipos rulando por ahi que hayan salido de la manos de Intrepid y de Lionhead durante tanto tiempo de desarrollo y al haber estado presente en tantos eventos, etc.

Algo bastante fiable es una nota de Borman, como sabreis uno de los mayores coleccionistas de protos -sobre todo de Xbox-, y que tenia este anuncio de Want to buy en el foro de assembler:

BC (Supposedly installed on some debug Xbox at a conference for developers years ago)

Si él lo anda buscando es porque le consta que existe al menos alguna build que puede estar circulando por ahi y que estaba en una Xbox debug. Es una esperanza, sin duda

Ayúdame a mantener este y otros proyectos, pulsa aquí


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Mensaje Re: Before Christ ( BC O B.C. ) De Xbox

#10  lexlutor90 24 Abril 2013, 01:22 AM

Estoy viendo pajaros dodo en las capturas, realmente eran unas bellas creaturas ( extintas desde principios del siglo pasado ) tambien me llamo la atencion fue que la mayoria de los dinosaurios estan muy bien logrados, me hubiese gustado ver una era del hielo (  antepasados de lobos de los alpes no quedarian mal ) o hienas de tazmania que daban un miedo aterrador.

 lexlutor90 Sexo: Masculino
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