Impressive Results Of The SEGA Saturn Contest

Objetivo: Impressive Results Of The SEGA Saturn Contest
Hello dear spanish SEGA Saturn fans. I haven't been around here for quite some time. I'm so busy at the moment and still I can't speak spanish :oops: .

Finally, here are the final rankings and downloads of the

SEGA Saturn Coding Contest (C4 - 2006)


The winners are: :star:
  1. Bounty Getters (proof of concept) by Zaksund
  2. Super Mario Clone ported by VBT
  3. Charette A Bestiaux (multiplayer tank battle game) by Vreuzon
Other entries are:
  • 3d landscape flying demo by Rockin'-B
  • 3d car demo written in Game Basic by VBT
  • 2d graphic demo by Charles MacDonalds
To cite a judge (Tassian):
Let me say this first: it was a real treat to see how good all the entries were and how well the really important aspects of videogames were covered: a fun gameplay, flashy 3D graphics, cool 2D graphics, nice sound and long term fun.
Download the SEGA Saturn CD images,
view detailed ranking and
read complete judge comments here:

Don't miss playing the entries yourself, either on a real SEGA Saturn (swap-trick or modchip) or on an emulator like SSF, yabause and the like.

Objetivo: Respuesta: Impressive Results Of The SEGA Saturn Contest
Hey, it's great to see that so many people are interested in developing for the Saturn! Most of the games/demos look great.

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Objetivo: Respuesta: Impressive Results Of The SEGA Saturn Contest
Thanks for the info Rockin'-B, and for your support to Sega Saturn :wink:

P.D: Hay que probarlo, ¿alguien los ha visto ya? ¿que tal?

Objetivo: Re: Impressive Results Of The SEGA Saturn Contest
Yo los he intentado probar en emuladores pero se me cuelga. Supongo que habra que probarlos en una Saturn, pero es que me da pereca conectar la mia (desde que volvi a casa de mis padres esta todo guardado y bien guardado por problemas de espacio :mrgreen: ) alguien que lo haya probado ya?

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Objetivo: Respuesta: Impressive Results Of The SEGA Saturn Contest
Pues si, casi todo esto esta pensado para funcionar en hardware real, recuerdo cuando le hice unas capturas a rockin el año pasado con emus habia juegos que no chutaban :?

Yo tambien tengo que sacar la Saturn, que esto de tener mil consolas es un lio y hay que ir rotandolas :o

Objetivo: Re: Impressive Results Of The SEGA Saturn Contest
Joder el ya flipe con el anterior pero esque ahora parece q de verdad se estan consiguiendo cosas muy guapas. Felicitaciones a todos los q han trabajado duro aunque solo sea para participar!!! SATURN WILL NEVER DIE

Objetivo: Re: Impressive Results Of The SEGA Saturn Contest
Congratulations.That is the real life for the Sega fans

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